Corien van Zweden

Corien van Zweden (1962) studied theology and has worked as an independent journalist since 1994. She writes about health care, psychiatry, education and development cooperation, for different media outlets. In 2008, her literary nonfiction book The Art of Mourning: A Personal History was published by L.J. Veen. In 2015 Cancer Class: Five Adolescents, Five Parents, One Disease was published by Cargo, and re-released in 2016 under a new title: A Bite from the Sun. Five Faces of Cancer.
Translation rights to her new nonfiction title Breasts: A Biography (De Bezige Bij, 2019) are already sold Finland (WSOY) and Poland (Wydawnictwo Kobiece Lukasz Kierus). In 2022 Arbeiderspers published Biography of the Uterus, co-written with Marlies Bongers. In 2025 the English edition of this title will be published by Greystone in the US, Canada and UK. Her newest title, My Father's Faith, will appear in 2024.
See also:
Want to know more?
For all your enquiries about Corien van Zweden please contact: Marianne Schönbach.