Marianne Schönbach Literary Agency is one of the Netherlands' most established and internationally well-known literary agencies. We represent translation rights in the Netherlands and the Nordic territories for clients from European countries, the US, Canada, Australia, Israel, Turkey, and China.

Amerika / U.S.A.

Australië / Australia

België / Belgium

Brazilië / Brazil

  • Agência Riff (Dutch + German + Nordic rights) 
    Literary agency



  • The Grayhawk Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
    Literary Agency

Duitsland / Germany

Frankrijk / France

  • Melsene Timsit and Son Literary Agency (Dutch + Nordic rights)
    Literary Agency
  • Editions Perrin
  • Editions Le Cherche Midi
  • Editions Plon
  • Editions Presses de la Cité
  • Editions Récamier
  • Place des Éditeurs 


Italië / Italy


Nederland / the Netherlands


Spanje / Spain

Turkije / Turkey

Verenigd Koninkrijk / UK

Zweden / Sweden

Zwitserland / Switzerland

Zuid-Afrika / South-Africa

  • Lennon - Richie Agency (Dutch + Nordic Rights)
    Literary Agency