Frouke Arns

Frouke Arns (1964) studied English Language and Literature at Radboud University Nijmegen and is a copywriter, poet and author.
Frouke published three collections of poetry, Mensen die je misschien kent (Marmer, 2013) and Eigen Terrein (Marmer, 2017) and De camembertmethode (De Arbeiderspers, 2018), which was nominated for the Herman de Coninck Prize 2019. She won several awards (including the Meander Dichtersprijs) and was poet laureate of Nijmegen from 2015-2016.
Her debut novel De gelijktijdigheid der dingen (De Arbeiderspers, 2021) received favourable reviews and was on the longlist of the Libris Literature Prize 2022, the shortlist of the Hebban Debuutprijs 2022 and the shortlist of De Bronzen Uil 2022 where the novel won the Readers' Prize.
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Want to know more?
For all your enquiries about Frouke Arns please contact: Marianne Schönbach.