Malou de Roy van Zuydewijn

Malou de Roy van Zuydewijn (1984), a graduate of the HKU (Writing for Performance), has a huge love for writing with and for children. She sets up her writing room at schools – and immortalizes the wealth of stories she hears there in both plays and in prose.
In 2018 her writing room is in the J.P. Coenschool (Amsterdam), where she writes ‘The Why of Things’ (9+) together with eight children, which is performed by youth theater company De Toneelmakerij. In 2019 her writing room will move to primary school Klein Amsterdam, in North Amsterdam.
Her first middle grade book stems from the encounter with a boy with a very special story, who will also be involved in the execution of the book. Earlier, Malou wrote drama texts for youth theater companies such as Bontehond and STIP theater productions; texts that have been and are being played in schools, in classes, parks, festivals and in theaters.
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Want to know more?
For all your enquiries about Malou de Roy van Zuydewijn please contact: Diana Gvozden.