Clay Skin

Literary fiction | 288 p.

Clay Skin

Herien Wensink &

Intense novel about two wounded soldiers during World War I

Flanders 1918. In a temporary hospital, British officer Rupert Atkins and soldier Harvey Cole are forced to share a room. Harvey has sustained heavy injuries to his face and is recovering slowly, but there seems to be nothing wrong with Rupert. He does not want to stay there and refuses to talk about his war experiences.

At first, their relationship is one of aversion, but gradually, a mutual fascination develops. Because of their close quarters, both men will need to come to terms with the mental and physical damage that the war has inflicted on them.

An ambitious and at times horrific novel about war, identity, trauma, friendship and art.

Good to Know

    • Dutch rights sold in a six-way auction
    • Lead title for the spring catalogue of de Arbeiderspers



  • Booktrailer

    Herien Wensink promoot Kleihuid

Awards & Nominations

    • Shortlist De Bronzen Uil 2018 voor de beste Nederlandstalige debuutroman van het jaar (uitreiking 6 oktober). 
    • Shortlist Hebban Debuutprijs 2018 (uitreiking 30 september).
    • Shortlist Anton Wachterprijs 2018, een tweejaarlijkse prijs voor het beste literaire prozadebuut (uitreiking begin oktober).